
Heidi here. I'm a hot mix of raised in the Midwestern Bible Belt, Gypsy by heart, sexologist by hobby, voodoo witchy momma (someone actually called me that) and an astrologer from birth. I think I was born looking up at the moon and stars and trying to figure out what mysteries they would show me.

When I met Greg the Stars aligned. That doesn't mean everything was rainbows and shooting stars. it was Cosmic and Catastrophic all at once. Chaos Theory. Because I had my life figured out, a bit stuck in my ways, five-year plan set. And this crazy ass universe decided to bring me Greg. He is made of the same stuff I am. I'm so glad he came up into my life and made it messy. I've been able to look at my shadow side, my outdated stories, my trauma, faster and deeper than ever before. and knowing me the way I know me -  the only way that could happen was to feel safe and deeply cherished. I don't know if there's a greater gift than that in life.

There are times we lay in each other's arms and have said ‘I hope other people feel like this’. Just to feel like this just ONCE in their life. That's what I want for people - to find love, to cherish it, to feel safe to heal and scream and cry and laugh and orgasm and live the juiciest life possible. As Rumi says, ‘to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it (love)’.

If Greg and I can help with our stories and our experiences - even one couple - to ignite passion and create safety, then it is worth it. I study the planets and the stars, I'm constantly researching and diving into mystery to unearth better ways for us to know ourselves and connect to each other. I have a new family now; I've added to the one before. It's amazing how the heart can grow. And it's amazing how being willing to let go of the past and let go of old plans can bring Magic. Risking safety and the illusion of security to embrace more people to love, more journeys to take, and more to give back.

The podcast Naked naps came from that magic, that feeling we get when we are together, skin-on-skin, safe and protected in our bubble. Sometimes it’s hard to leave it and go out into the world. But nothing feels better than knowing I have his arms to return to when I come home.


How u doin??? (In Joey from Friends voice or in the coolest Italian masculine voiceover ever possible).  I’m Greg and I was so amazingly blessed and so freakin’ lucky to finally cross paths with the love of my life, thanks to God, guardian angels, Buddha, friends (past and present), family and the entire freakin’ Universe pulling for US somehow, someway!!!

Together, Heidi and I get the distinct honor, privilege and opportunity to share our lives (past and present) and our open, loving and vulnerable stories with those that are interested in the journey to the well, but it will be entirely up to YOU to drink the water!  I am a 53-year old Midwestern guy that has the most beautiful lover EVER, the two best kids ever, the two best bonus kids ever, the two best parents ever, the best mom- in-law ever, Mila the curious, goofy and fun loving golden retriever, Luna the one of a kind, curious, aggravating cat that I never thought I would EVER have in my life and a scrawny old barn cat named Momma cat that brings me birds and moles as her bounty. I’m a city boy/Gentlemen farmer, ‘Mr. Green Jeans’, who can be seen daily wearing white dress shirts and sweater vests, occasionally with a pair of cowboy boots I’m still breaking in.

My hope is that everyone gets something out of the life that we are sharing and my ultimate hope is that everyone better understands on a daily that…….THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!  With, through and In love, gratitude and peace!